2 Choose the correct answer, A, B or C. London is a beautiful city full of many historical sites. There are over 50 (1) in the city of London, including St Paul's (2) which is the tallest religious building in the city. There are 259 (3) to climb to reach the dome in the (4) her first album in 1990. the Nobel Prize in 3 My mum 4 We . Another famous building is the very large house where the Queen lives which is called Buckingham (5) over 750 rooms, so that's a lot of (6) 5 They 6 The Great Fire her first book in 1999. around the world cleaning! The city also has a number of (7) with houses built around all four sides. Often you can find a (8). of a famous figure in the centre, such as that of Winston Churchill in Parliament Square. his first tennis match at 7 We.......... 8 My grandmother. the Mona Lisa in It has that need his first department 1 A churches B palaces C castles 2 A cathedral B ceiling C building 3 A floors B roofs C stairs 3 Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. Use the past simple. 1 My dad 2. 4 A roof B floor C square (work) in Los Angeles last year. (join) the school orchestra in March. (study) maths at university. (start) school on 15th September. Past Simple - минулий час (правильні дієслова) (visit) London in 2015. 5 A Cathedral B Palace C Statue 6 A statues B ceiling C floors (kill) rats in 1666. (cook) pancakes on 19th February. (phone) me last night. 7 A floors. B squares C ceilings 8 A roof B castle C statue​


Ответ дал: elenatovka

Відповідь:  London is a beautiful city full of many historical sites. There are over 50 (1) A. churches in the city of London, including St Paul’s (2) A. cathedral which is the tallest religious building in the city. There are 259 (3) C. stairs to climb to reach the dome in the (4) A. roof. Another famous building is the very large house where the Queen lives which is called Buckingham (5) B. Palace. It has over 750 rooms, so that’s a lot of (6) C. floors that need cleaning! The city also has a number of (7) B. squares with houses built around all four sides. Often you can find a (8) C. statue of a famous figure in the centre, such as that of Winston Churchill in Parliament Square.


1a 2a 3c 4a 5b 6c 7b 8c

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