Complete the sentences. Use the infinitive or the -ing form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Jason promised 2 Tom admitted 3 Joe enjoys 4 I decided (shop) online. (phone) me. (steal) a CD from the shop. (shop) in town but refuses 5 Dad suggested 6 Mum offered 7 You can expect 8 Do you fancy 0011 (order) groceries online as I don't like (queue) in supermarkets. (eat out) this evening. (give) me a lift to the shops. (pay) less online than in a shop. (go) to the cinema this evening?​



Ответ дал: dianapodlesova


1. Jason promised to phone me.

2. Tom admitted stealing a CD from the shop.

3. Joe enjoys shopping in town but refuses to shop online.

4. I decided to order groceries online as I don't like queuing in supermarkets.

5. Dad suggested eating out this evening.

6. Mum offered to give me a lift to the shops.

7. You can expect to pay less online than in a shop.

8. Do you fancy going to the cinema this evening?

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