дайте відповідь Answer the questions 1) How do children and teachers communicate at the School of the Air? 2) How often do students from School of the Air meet? 3) What country is the School of the Air in?


Ответ дал: eazywork


At the School of the Air, children and teachers communicate through audio and video conferencing, as well as through other distance learning technologies such as email and online platforms. This allows them to interact and engage in remote education despite being physically separated.

The frequency of meetings for students from the School of the Air can vary, but typically they meet in person at regular intervals, such as once a term or semester, for intensive face-to-face learning sessions and social interaction. These meetings provide an opportunity for students to connect with their teachers and peers, receive hands-on instruction, and participate in group activities.

The School of the Air originated in Australia. It was initially developed to provide education to children in remote or isolated areas of the country. The concept has since been adopted in other countries with similar geographic challenges, but the original School of the Air is located in Australia.

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