1 Choose the correct item. You don't have to/mustn't take the bus to the airport. I should/can give you a lift. Jason ought to/could ride a bike from the age of four. 2 3 You shouldn't/needn't eat too much junk food. It's bad for your health. 4 She shall/should have booked a table to that new Italian restaurant in advance. 5 Ryan might/can come to the museum with us on Saturday. He needs to finish his project first. 1 6 You needn't/mustn't use your phone in the library. It's forbidden. 7 Shall/Would I help you clean the dishes? 8 They had/could to wait until the rain stopped to continue the match.​


Ответ дал: mirmain33535


Let's go through each sentence and choose the correct options:

1. You don't have to take the bus to the airport. I should give you a lift.

  (Explanation: "Don't have to" suggests it's not necessary, and "should" implies a suggestion or willingness.)

2. You needn't eat too much junk food. It's bad for your health.

  (Explanation: "Needn't" implies it's not necessary.)

3. Jason ought to ride a bike from the age of four.

  (Explanation: "Ought to" suggests a moral obligation or recommendation.)

4. She should have booked a table at that new Italian restaurant in advance.

  (Explanation: "Should" implies a recommendation or suggestion.)

5. Ryan might come to the museum with us on Saturday. He needs to finish his project first.

  (Explanation: "Might" suggests a possibility, and "needs to" indicates a requirement.)

6. You mustn't use your phone in the library. It's forbidden.

  (Explanation: "Mustn't" indicates a prohibition or strong obligation.)

7. Shall I help you clean the dishes?

  (Explanation: "Shall" is used to offer assistance or make a suggestion.)

8. They had to wait until the rain stopped to continue the match.

  (Explanation: "Had to" indicates necessity or obligation.)

So, the correct options for each sentence are:

1. don't have to, should

2. needn't

3. ought to

4. should

5. might, needs to

6. mustn't

7. Shall

8. had to


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