Помогите срочно англ. Мова 7 клас:
Написати розділові питання до речень та дати відповіді на ці питання. Дивись зразок:


Речення - He didn’t go to London last year.

У зошит записуємо – He didn’t go to London last year, did he? – No, he didn’t.

1) Khreshchatyk Street is the symbol of Kyiv.

2) Thousands of people stroll with their children.

3) She went to the tourist information centre.

4) They won’t go to Kyiv.

5) Let’s meet at Khreshchatyk Metro Station.

6) On Sunday the traffic doesn’t run in Khreshchatyk Street.


Ответ дал: vkadermyatov


1) Khreshchatyk Street is the symbol of Kyiv.

- Is Khreshchatyk Street the symbol of Kyiv? - Yes, it is.

2) Thousands of people stroll with their children.

- Do thousands of people stroll with their children? - Yes, they do.

3) She went to the tourist information centre.

- Did she go to the tourist information centre? - Yes, she did.

4) They won’t go to Kyiv.

- Won't they go to Kyiv? - No, they won't.

5) Let’s meet at Khreshchatyk Metro Station.

- Shall we meet at Khreshchatyk Metro Station? - Yes, let's.

6) On Sunday the traffic doesn’t run in Khreshchatyk Street.

- Doesn't the traffic run in Khreshchatyk Street on Sunday? - No, it doesn't.

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