Paragraph 1: Introduction
This was the dramatic scene ...
Paragraph 2: The incident
The incident began ...
Paragraph 3: Conditions
At first...
Paragraph 4: Conclusion and reaction
After .. hours ...


Ответ дал: kirakoshkina888


the incident occurred on the track, at about 4 pm due to a sharp snowfall. The reason for the incident was sharp and heavy precipitation in the form of snow and ice. Before that, the conditions were normal, cloudy and dry. People who are currently at the scene of the incident are very confused and restless, they tried to dig out their cars. As a result, rescuers go to the place. People are very not happy.


перевод:инцедент произошел на трассе, примерно около 4 часов дня из-за резкого выпадения снега. Причиной инцедента стали резкие и сильные осадки ввиде снега и гололёда. До этого были нормальные свои автомобили.В итоге на место едут спасатели. Люди очень не довольны

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