3. Candler used an eye-catching logo for his product. "Eye-catching" refers to something. a. you can't see b. delicious . Candler gave away. a. the unique logo b. time and money - Coke used slogans to advertise its product. Slogans are. c. free things d. simple images to be in his advertisements. c. children. d. well-known writers a. popular music b. memorable phrases c. you can't avoid looking at d. you don't want to look at Candler chose_ a. athletes b. movie stars to promote Coca-Cola. c. the rights to the drink d. many small things Candler bought the rights to Coca-Cola from. a. the inventor of a medicinal tonic c. a doctor b. a well-known businessman d. a carpenter​


Ответ дал: mrClever34


1. "Eye-catching" refers to something c. you can't avoid looking at.

2. Slogans are b. memorable phrases.

3. Candler chose b. movie stars to promote Coca-Cola.

4. Candler bought the rights to Coca-Cola from a. the inventor of a medicinal tonic.

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