16 Complete the sentences with the words from ex. 12, ex 13. 1. There are several ... why we can't do that. 2. You can see royal ... in the Tower of London. They are made of gold, silver and stones and look so beautiful. 3. This photo always ... me of the happy days I spent in Greece. 4. Who is the main ... in "Cinderella"? 5. I am not interested in ... but my father is. 6. Who ... this bit of land? 7. Windsor Castle [winza 'ka:sl] is the summer ... of the Queen. 8. My aunt often goes to concerts of... music. 9. In Britain the Queen... but does not rule. 10. The old lady's fingers... the girl's hair. 11. When we lost the game last Friday, we all felt that it was a terrible.... 12. The ... home of the British Prime Minister is 10 Downing Street.​


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There are several reasons why we can't do that.

You can see royal jewels in the Tower of London. They are made of gold, silver, and stones and look so beautiful.

This photo always reminds me of the happy days I spent in Greece.

Who is the main character in "Cinderella"?

I am not interested in politics, but my father is.

Who owns this bit of land?

Windsor Castle is the summer residence of the Queen.

My aunt often goes to concerts of classical music.

In Britain, the Queen reigns but does not rule.

The old lady's fingers touched the girl's hair.

When we lost the game last Friday, we all felt that it was a terrible defeat.

The official home of the British Prime Minister is 10 Downing Street.

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