4 Write questions and short answers for the sentences in exercise 3. Is there a good restaurant in the High Street? Yes, there is.​



Ответ дал: fluwuless


2 Are there any shops near the park?

Yes, there are

3 Is there a tourist office in my town?

No, there isn't

4 Is there a cinema in the town?

Yes, there is

5 Are there any interesting places in the town?

Yes, there are

6 Are there some good shops near the bus station?

No, there aren't

yusupovaaisha7: Спасибо большое а то я чуть сума не сошла
yusupovaaisha7: А как лучший ответ поставить
yusupovaaisha7: ??
fluwuless: походу никак, была рада помочь
yusupovaaisha7: Ох жалко ну ладно хотела сделать лучший ответ
ami126: Спасибо
ami126: Большое
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