My name is Talia Asp, and I'm from Bergen, in Norway. I want to be a gingerbread artist when I'm older because I like art and I love cooking. Gingerbread is a type of cookie. It's good for art because you can cut it into different shapes. I like making gingerbread houses the most. They're like a puzzle. You cut the gingerbread into pieces and bake them in the oven. Then you put the pieces together and decorate the house with candy. My mom wanted me to make this house for her birthday. My town, Bergen, is famous for its gingerbread art. Every December, we make the biggest gingerbread town in the world. There are houses, trains, boats, and cars. This year, my class made a gingerbread boat. Come and visit someday! YoUr Сделать краткий пересказ


Ответ дал: elmirasalimova58

Ответ:привет это очень многоже ну я могу сказать что если это текст тебе поможет и я мпомогу


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