Nowadays, a lot of people all over the world have Internet access. Internet use is changing all the time. Let’s have a look at some common ways to use the Internet. Almost every person has an email box. An average person 1. ________________ every 12 hours. They sometimes get cards from relatives, sometimes documents from work or school. From time to time everyone gets 2. ________________ with adverts, useless offers or even with some dangerous links that can break down their device. That’s why using 3. ________________ is very important for gadget protection. Students usually 4. ________________ to help with their studies. They 5. ________________ looking at hundreds of websites and trying to find the most appropriate piece of information for their essays or surveys. They download books, find interesting articles in many languages. An average teenager spends most of their life online. They 6. ________________ using different messengers. They also watch videos of their favourite bloggers, share opinions and discuss everything spending hours on 7. ________________. Adults also use the Internet a lot. Of course, 8. ________________ still exist. However, even they find 9. ________________ very easy. They have to become 10. ________________ to use all the options on the modern Internet. They can not only watch digital TV online, but also shop, chat and even work online.


Ответ дал: demidkanipov

1. checks their email

2. spam

3. antivirus software

4. browse online resources

5. spend hours

6. communicate

7. social media

8. technophobes

9. navigating the internet

10. tech-savvy

porosuncikandrej: Спасибо!!
Ответ дал: sonianevazno
1. **checks their email**
2. **spam or unwanted messages**
3. **antivirus software**
4. **browse the internet**
5. **spend a lot of time**
6. **communicate with friends**
7. **social media platforms**
8. **offline activities**
9. **online services**
10. **tech-savvy**
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