Exercise 3. Make up dialogue (6-8 replicas on each side) or story (15-20 sentences). Choose three situations.
1.Exchange impressions of a film after a visit to the cinema. 2. Speak with a friend about your favourite actor (ac¬tress). 3. Describe one of the films you have seen this year. 4. Speak about the best cinema hall in your city (town). 5. Book tickets for an evening show beforehand. 6. On your way from the cinema you meet your friend who wants to know your opi¬nion of the film. What’s the film about? What do you think of it? I like every bit of it. 7. You are late for the performance and the usher does not let you in. Try to give him (her) your explanations.


Ответ дал: kotiklikol

Exchange impressions of a film after a visit to the cinema

A: “Wow, that was quite a movie, wasn’t it?”

B: “Absolutely! The cinematography was stunning.”

A: “Yes, and the storyline was so engaging. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.”

B: “Me too! And the performances were top-notch. I was really impressed.”

A: “Definitely. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a film that good.”

B: “Same here. I can’t wait to see what the director does next.”

Speak with a friend about your favourite actor (actress)

A: “You know who I really admire? Meryl Streep.”

B: “Oh, she’s fantastic! Her range is incredible.”

A: “Exactly. She can do drama, comedy, everything. And she always brings such depth to her characters.”

B: “I couldn’t agree more. Have you seen her in ‘The Iron Lady’?”

A: “Yes, her performance was breathtaking. She truly is a master of her craft.”

B: “Absolutely. She’s one of the greats, no doubt about it.”

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