b) Complete the sentences. 1 Helen works in ... 2 Career choices are ... 3 Girls are more interested in ... 4 Some boys are interested in ... 5 We should judge somebody's work by .. 6 Everything begins at ... 7 In families where boys and girls share the housework, children are ...​


Ответ дал: MaksimilianMVP


Helen works in a marketing firm downtown.

Career choices are crucial decisions that shape one's professional life.

Girls are more interested in STEM subjects and arts.

Some boys are interested in sports, technology, and creative arts.

We should judge somebody's work by its quality, impact, and effort, not just by superficial factors.

Everything begins at the starting point, where dedication and commitment lay the foundation.

In families where boys and girls share the housework, children are likely to learn valuable lessons in cooperation, responsibility, and equality.

soniahonchar12: это вообще не то!
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