Finish the sentences.
1 Thanks to today's progress in technology,
2 A greengrocer's is
3 If you need some milk,
4 Sainsbury's is
5 Tesco is
6 Malls are​


Ответ дал: troooshka
1 Thanks to today's progress in technology, we are able to communicate and access information more easily than ever before.

2 A greengrocer's is a shop that sells fresh fruits and vegetables.

3 If you need some milk, you can find it at the grocery store or the supermarket.

4 Sainsbury's is a popular British supermarket chain that offers a wide range of products, including groceries, clothing, and home goods.

5 Tesco is a multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer, with stores in many countries around the world.

6 Malls are large shopping centers that typically contain a variety of stores, restaurants, and entertainment options.

Немного большеватые получились)
Ответ дал: Lakimos


Finish the sentences.

1 Thanks to today's technological progress, we can say that this device here helps humanity a lot. ( telephone )

2 A greengrocer is a greengrocer.

3 If you need milk, For cereal with milk, be careful that the milk is not expired.

4 Sainsbury's is the biggest company in the UK.

5 Tesco - it's the same as Sainsbury's but bigger.

6 Shopping malls are the center of stores, toys, restaurants (McDonald's, KFC, etc.) and more

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