2 Read the text on page 58 in your SB and mark the sentences 'T' (true) or 'F' (false). Correct the sentences which are false. 1 You usually have to work or go to school on holidays. 2 Families often get together for dinner or a picnic on holidays. 3 There are holidays when people thank and honour God. 4 Christmas and Easter are famous international holidays. 5 Independence Day is a birthday of a famous person. 6 Thanksgiving is a big holiday in Canada and the USA. 7 Your birthday is your own personal holiday. 8 Ways of celebration only depend on family traditions. F​



Ответ дал: angelinakuchaeva88


1)F (You don't usually have to work or go to school on holidays)




5)F (Independence Day is not a birthday of a famous person)



8)F (Ways of celebration can also depend on cultural and national traditions)

d25186092: спасибо:)
irakolomiec29: спасибо
Ответ дал: a1iasan6ekov


I can't access specific pages from textbooks. However, I can help you verify the sentences based on the general knowledge I have:

1. **True**: You usually have to work or go to school on holidays.

2. **True**: Families often get together for dinner or a picnic on holidays.

3. **True**: There are holidays when people thank and honor God.

4. **True**: Christmas and Easter are famous international holidays.

5. **False**: Independence Day typically commemorates a nation's independence, not a famous person's birthday.

*Correction: Independence Day marks a nation's independence, not a famous person's birthday.*

6. **True**: Thanksgiving is a significant holiday in Canada and the USA.

7. **True**: Your birthday is your own personal holiday.

8. **False**: Ways of celebration can depend on both family traditions and cultural customs.

*Correction: Ways of celebration can be influenced by both family traditions and cultural practices.*

Please note that my responses are based on general knowledge about holidays and celebrations. If there are specific details in the text that I'm not aware of, I might not be able to provide accurate information regarding those.

d25186092: спасибо
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