will make,
29. Choose the correct item.
1. Thomas often grammar mistakes in
his compositions.
will make, makes, made
2. We
after classes at school tomorrow.
shall stay, stayed, stay
3. Tony early in the morning the day
before yesterday.
is getting up, got up, gets up
4. They
good care of their school.
will take, are taking, take
5. Scott his classmates with Chemistry

is helping, helps, helped
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Ответ дал: 7nywhjxgm5

Ответ: на пупсик

Объяснение:1. Thomas often **makes** grammar mistakes in his compositions.

2. We **will** stay **after** classes at school tomorrow.

3. Tony **is getting** up early in the morning the day before yesterday.

4. They **are taking** good care of their school.

5. Scott **is helping** his classmates with Chemistry - now.

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