2 Write. Choose from the words above.
1 They start
2 They
3 They
4 They
5 They
6 They
7 They
8 They

school at half past eight in the morning.
a computer to write emails.
in an old house.
kayaking. It's their favourite sport.
school at three o'clock in the afternoon.
getting up early in winter. It's very cold.
something to eat. They're hungry.
when they read a funny story.


Ответ дал: a1iasan6ekov


1. They start school at half past eight in the morning.

2. They use a computer to write emails.

3. They live in an old house.

4. They enjoy kayaking. It's their favorite sport.

5. They finish school at three o'clock in the afternoon.

6. They dislike getting up early in winter. It's very cold.

7. They want something to eat. They're hungry.

8. They laugh when they read a funny story.

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