3.Why don't you talk to the manager? He __________ what to do.
(1 бал)

is going to know

will know

is knowing
4.Let's try that new Thai restaurant. _______ I make a reservation for tonight?
(1 бал)



5.They want the painting tomorrow, but I ___________ it by then.
(1 бал)

am not finishing

won't finish

won't have finished
6.The tour bus ___________ at seven, so be here by ten forty-five!
(1 бал)

is going to leave


will have left
7.Who do you think ________?
(1 бал)

is going to win

will win

8.Will the taxi be waiting when we ______ there?
(1 бал)

will get

will be getting

9.The train is very late. I _________ my appointment.
(1 бал)

am going to misss

am missing

10.I _______ that job - the pay isn't good enough.
(1 бал)

think I'm not taking

don't think I'll take

don't think I'm taking


Ответ дал: yyyyyyyyyyyyyeqq


3. He **will know** what to do.

4. Let's try that new Thai restaurant. **Shall** I make a reservation for tonight?

5. They want the painting tomorrow, but I **won't have finished** it by then.

6. The tour bus **leaves** at seven, so be here by ten forty-five!

7. Who do you think **will win**?

8. Will the taxi be waiting when we **get** there?

9. The train is very late. I **will miss** my appointment.

10. I **don't think I'll take** that job - the pay isn't good enough.

mikitukvika076: Thank you
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