Make word combinations using a word or phrase from each box. Some words can be used twice. Then use the correct forms of the word combinations to complete the sentences below. Look at B and C opposite to help you. make own pay receive retain take a capital gain a dividend earnings a position a profit securities tax less on capital gains than on income. So as a shareholder, I prefer If the company LES Lcan by selling my shares at a profit instead. 2 Day trading is exciting because if a share price falls, you can a Short selling But it's risky that you don't even

j9czykdh4g: Как это решить


Ответ дал: Billy1356

1. Make a profit

2. Retain earnings

3. Receive dividends

4. Take a position

5. Pay less tax

6. Own securities

1. As a shareholder, I prefer to make a profit if the company can retain earnings by selling my shares at a profit instead.

2. Day trading is exciting because if a share price falls, you can take a position by short selling. But it's risky that you don't even own securities.

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