RESOURCE 34 Unit 3 Lesson 6 Sol, meet Eva! Complete the dialogue with the words below. Then act it out in a group of three. The person playing Sol can also play the spectator. amazing best dancer doesn't enjoy fanatic lot mind never prefer really stand think well Spectator: Hey, guys! Come and watch this girl dancing. She's Max: Wow! She's great! Max: Eva: Max: Eva: Max: Eva: Max: Eva: Max: Sol: Max: Ενα. Max: Sol: Eva: Sol: Eva: Sol: Max: Eva: Hi! I'm Max I'm Eva. What do you? 13 Audio of my dancing? like it. You're a great dancer! Good music too! Oh, do you like hip-hop? I like it a It's my favourite music Do you like dance as ? Yes, I do. I like capoeira a lot - but it's a bit hard for me. I'_ Like this... Wow, you're really good! Oh, it's my Hi! Eva's an amazing No, I'm... friend, Sol. Hey, Sol! He's a great guy. Sol, meet Eva! mind! She's half-Brazilian, half-English, but she lives here in Pye now. Unfortunately, she2 go to our school. Oh. What school do you go to? Saint Alfred's. Oh, my sister goes there. She really likes it. What do you think of it? I don't 10 it. Are you a dance"_ like Max? Er. no. I don't 12. dancing. Actually, Sol can't 13 Oh, 14 breakdance dancing. PHOTOCOPIABLE Pearson Education Limited 2017​


Ответ дал: Brolef

Spectator: Hey, guys! Come and watch this girl dancing. She's amazing!

Max: Wow! She's the best dancer!

Eva: (continues dancing)

Max: Hey, Eva! That's really good!

Eva: Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy it.

Max: Hi! I'm Max.

Eva: Hi, Max! I'm Eva. What do you think of my dancing?

Max: I really like it. You're a great dancer! Good music too!

Eva: Oh, do you like hip-hop?

Max: Yeah, it's my favorite music. Do you like to dance as well?

Eva: Yes, I do. I like capoeira a lot, but it's a bit hard for me.

Max: Like this... (demonstrates some moves)

Eva: Wow, you're really good!

Sol: (joining the conversation) Hi! Eva's an amazing dancer.

Max: No, I'm... Sol, meet Eva!

Eva: Hi, Sol! Nice to meet you.

Sol: Hey, Eva! Max says you're an amazing dancer.

Eva: Thank you! Max is a great dancer too.

Max: Sol, she's half-Brazilian, half-English, but she lives here in Pye now.

Sol: Oh, cool! Nice to meet you, Eva.

Eva: Likewise! Oh, and don't mind Max; he's a bit of a dance fanatic.

Max: (laughs) Guilty as charged!

Spectator: (joining the conversation) She's really good! Does she go to our school?

Max: Unfortunately, no. She goes to Saint Alfred's.

Spectator: Oh, my sister goes there. She really likes it. What do you think of it?

Eva: I don't know. I don't go there.

Max: (teasingly) Sol, are you a dancer like me?

Sol: Er, no. I don't enjoy dancing. Actually, Sol can't stand breakdancing.

Max: (laughs) Fair enough! Everyone has their preferences.

Eva: That's true. It's nice to meet you both!

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