Помогите пожалуйста с 6 по 15, очень срочно​



Ответ дал: a1iasan6ekov


Let's go through these step by step:

1. The journey took a long time. There was a lot of traffic.

2. What's the new restaurant like? Is it... good?

3. Is there a bookshop near here? "Yes, there is."

4. When we got to the cinema, there was a very long queue outside.

5. I couldn't see anything. It was completely dark.

6. How far is it from Milan to Rome?

7. There was trouble at the club last night. They had to call the police.

8. It was Keith's birthday yesterday. We had a party.

9. It's been three years since I last went to the theatre.

10. I wanted to visit the museum but there wasn't enough time.

11. "Was there time to go?" "Yes, there was."

12. A few days ago, there was a storm. It did a lot of damage.

13. "Was it a beautiful day yesterday?" "Yes, it was."

14. There wasn't anything on television, so I turned it off.

15. There was an accident in King Street but it wasn't very serious.

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