2 Choose the correct option.
1 The beaver / cheetah is the fastest animal in the world.
2 Electric cars cause less air pollution / recycling than petrol or diesel cars.
3 We should save / sort all our rubbish so it's easier to recycle.
4 Always turn off the water tap so you don't waste / save water.
5 A lot of beautiful animals on this plant are in danger / escape.
6 We should do anything we can to poison / protect our planet.


Ответ дал: demidkanipov

1. The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world.

2. Electric cars cause less air pollution than petrol or diesel cars.

3. We should sort all our rubbish so it's easier to recycle.

4. Always turn off the water tap so you don't waste water.

5. A lot of beautiful animals on this planet are in danger.

6. We should do anything we can to protect our planet.

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