LESSON 2. ARE YOU A GOOD TEAM? 1 Match the opposites. D 1) boring 2) smart 3) hard-working 4) hard 5) disciplined 6) patient 7) strict 8) waste time A lazybones B disorganised C easy D interesting E stupid F complaining G save time H tolerant 2 Peter is studying English in Brighton, but he isn’t a fast learner. And he isn’t very attentive either. Read Peter’s letter to his mum and correct the mistakes. Dear Mum! I want to tell you about my new friends whom I’ve met here, in Brighton. I share my room with Paul, he is from France. He is kind, funny and very winnergetic energetic — he is always full of life and energy. But he is a bit disorganism — he does everything at the last minute. Laura and Miguel are my classmates. Laura is from Italy. She works really hard on her English, she is really hard-walking . Besides, Laura is rather functual , too, as she does everything on time. Miguel, on the opposite, is a crazybones . He doesn’t like studying and prefers to paste time on playing computer games and surfing the Internet. That’s all for now. Love, Peter 3 What are your classmates like? Complete the sentences. Most of my classmates are and . Some of them and . Only a few of them and . None of them or .


Ответ дал: zlatapihtareva


1. Match the opposites:

- 1) boring - D) interesting

- 2) smart - E) stupid

- 3) hard-working - C) easy

- 4) hard - A) lazybones

- 5) disciplined - B) disorganised

- 6) patient - H) tolerant

- 7) strict - F) complaining

- 8) waste time - G) save time

2. Corrected letter:

Dear Mum!

I want to tell you about my new friends whom I’ve met here in Brighton. I share my room with Paul; he is from France. He is kind, funny, and very **energetic** — he is always full of life and energy. But he is a bit **disorganized** — he does everything at the last minute. Laura and Miguel are my classmates. Laura is from Italy. She works really hard on her English; she is really **hardworking**. Besides, Laura is rather **punctual** too, as she does everything on time. Miguel, on the contrary, is a **lazybones**. He doesn’t like studying and prefers to **waste** time playing computer games and surfing the Internet.

That’s all for now.

Love, Peter

3. What are your classmates like? Complete the sentences:

- Most of my classmates are **hard-working** and **disciplined**.

- Some of them are **smart** and **patient**.

- Only a few of them are **strict** or **complaining**.

- None of them are **lazybones** or **disorganized**.

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