Task2. Write down the correct verb form in each gap in Present Continuous.

1 What _____(Sophie, do?) - She ready to go out.

2 Who for my friend. (you, wait) for?-I _____ (wait)

3. _____ (You and Mel, have) a good time in Paris? -No _ (not)

4. What ____ (You, read) at the moment?
I ___ (read) the new novel by the author of the Harry Potter books.

5. Jack __ (buy) some new jeans.

6. How funny-Robert and Martin ___ (wear) the same shirt!


Ответ дал: ed949917


1. What is Sophie doing? - She is ready to go out.

2. Who are you waiting for? - I am waiting.

3. Are you and Mel having a good time in Paris? - No, we are not.

4. What are you reading at the moment?

  I am reading the new novel by the author of the Harry Potter books.

5. Jack is buying some new jeans.

6. How funny - Robert and Martin are wearing the same shirt!


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