London, terrible ground, sick, first-aid, opening, worry, ambulance

1. Martin, Ann and Lizzie are in the centre of 2. She looks so 3. I think we should call an
4. I've done course.
5. I feel a bit
6. Oh, look she's
7. Don't
8. We shouldn't leave her on the her eyes. The ambulance is here. like that.​


Ответ дал: vovaparhomchyk30


1. Martin, Ann, and Lizzie are in the centre of **London**.

2. She looks so **sick**.

3. I think we should call an **ambulance**.

4. I've done a **first-aid** course.

5. I feel a bit **terrible**.

6. Oh, look, she's **opening** her eyes.

7. Don't **worry**.

8. We shouldn't leave her on the **ground** like that. The ambulance is here.

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