2. Заповніть пропуски в реченнях словами someone/ something/ somewhere/ anyone/ anything/ anywhere/ no one/ nothing/ nowhere/ everybody/ everywhere/ everything. 8) I heard ____ outside, but Im not sure what it was. 9) Can you see ___ waiting at the bus stop? I need to catch the next bus. 10) I left my keys ___ in the house, but I can;t remember where. 11) She asked if I wanted ___ to drink, but I told her I was fine. 12) I looked ___ for my sunglasses, but I could find them ____ . 13) Let me know if you need ___ to help you move the furniture.


Ответ дал: stepurskaz14


8) I heard something outside, but I'm not sure what it was.

9) Can you see anyone waiting at the bus stop? I need to catch the next bus.

10) I left my keys somewhere in the house, but I can't remember where.

11) She asked if I wanted something to drink, but I told her I was fine.

12) I looked everywhere for my sunglasses, but I couldn't find them anywhere.

13) Let me know if you need someone to help you move the furniture.


sonyxhxhmilky: Слушай можешь ещё с одним помочь?
stepurskaz14: Да
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