Choose the correct option. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

0 People A, B on the plane some forty or fifty years ago. It wasn't prohibited then!

A used to smoke 1 Going to the zoo very little when I was a child so everyone could afford it.

Bwould smoke

A cost

B use to cost

2 When I was child, I going on fishing trips with my grandpa.

A used to love

B would love

3 When my brother was small, he a teddy

bear to school with him.

A used to take

B would take

4 After getting to the top of the mountain, Alex

a small village beneath.

A used to see

B saw

5 Elephants to this lake regularly in the past

but now they live in a different area.

A came

B would come


Ответ дал: ulugbekbarakaev750

Here are the correct options for the sentences, keeping in mind that sometimes more than one answer might be possible:

0. People **A used to smoke**, **B would smoke** on the plane some forty or fifty years ago. It wasn't prohibited then!

1. Going to the zoo **A cost** very little when I was a child so everyone could afford it.

- Note: "B use to cost" is incorrect because it should be "used to cost," but even that would be less common compared to "cost" which refers to a general truth about the past.

2. When I was a child, I **A used to love** going on fishing trips with my grandpa.

- "B would love" is not appropriate in this context. "Used to" is more fitting when talking about a repeated past action or state that no longer happens.

3. When my brother was small, he **A used to take** a teddy bear to school with him.

- A case could be made for "B would take" if focusing on the habitual nature during a specific time frame in the past. However, "used to" is usually the preferred choice for past habits.

4. After getting to the top of the mountain, Alex **B saw** a small village beneath.

- "A used to see" would imply a habitual action in the past, but since this is a single event, "saw" is correct.

5. Elephants **B would come** to this lake regularly in the past, but now they live in a different area.

- "A came" could be technically correct in different contexts, but here "would come" emphasizes the regular, habitual nature of their visits in the past.

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