Доповніть речення з past perfect або past perfect continuous.

1. When we couldn't answer her simple question, the teacher realised thet he (not pay attention) during the lesson.
2. They (talk) for hours before they realised what time it was.
3. I remembered that I (meet) him once before.
4. I (know) him since primary school.
5. It (rain), and the streets are still wet.
6. His eyes were red. I think he (cry).
7. He (write) letters all morning and he was tried.
8. She (not finish) her project by the deadline.
9. At the time of the accident he (drive) for less than three months.
10. He (paint) all the rooms in the house by lunch-time.​


Ответ дал: danaa1168a
1. When we couldn't answer her simple question, the teacher realized that he **had not been paying attention** during the lesson.

2. They
had been talking for hours before they realized what time it was.

3. I remembered that I had met him once before.

4. I had known him since primary school.

5. It had rained, and the streets are still wet.

6. His eyes were red. I think he had been crying

7. He had been writing letters all morning, and he was tired.

8. She had not finished her project by the deadline.

9. At the time of the accident, he had been driving for less than three months.

10. He had painted all the rooms in the house by lunchtime.
Ответ дал: Iwonа


1. When we couldn't answer her simple question, the teacher realised that we hadn't paid attention during the lesson.

2. They had been talking for hours before they realised what time it was.

3. I remembered that I had met him once before.

4. I had known him since primary school.

5. It had been raining, and the streets are still wet.

6. His eyes were red. I think he had been crying.

7. He had been writing letters all morning and he was tried.

8. She hadn't finished her project by the deadline.

9. At the time of the accident he had been driving for less than three months.

10. He had painted all the rooms in the house by lunch-time.​


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