6 Complete the text with the correct form of the word in brackets, including Comparative and Superlative forms.

Last month, I read an amazing book and I finished it more quickly (quick) than any book I've ever read! It was called Jasmine, and it's about a young actor who has tried¹ find a good acting job. Then she sees an advert in a newspaper, and she 2 letter to the theatre company. (hard) but can't (quick) writes a

She gets the io * b ^ 3 (easy) - but then she finds the work is tough. She has to start

4 (early) every day - she's very young and she speaks the 5 everyone in the whole cast, so nobody thinks she can act public. But she also learns everything she has to say the " (quiet) of (good) enough to perform in (fast)!

When the audience finally arrives on the first night, Jasmine is very confident, and she performs her part 8 (perfect), and sings the play, the audience claps 10 (beautiful) than any of the other actors. At the end of (loud) and Jasmine becomes a star!


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