Make the sentences interrogative beginning with the words in brackets
1) He lives with his mother a mother and a little brother.( Who?)
2) I usually do morning exercises in the morning.( What?)
3) She worked in the fields last year.(Where?)

Find the mistakes in the following sentences:
1) I have not never travelled abroad .
2) Many people like to travel on car.
3) Tetiana is going for a walk already.
4) He has already phones his parents.
5)They don't have read the book yet .
6) In June I didn't went to the seaside.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb .
1) The children ( gather) berries in the forest in summer .
2)My cousin ( work) in the field last month.
3) I ( sing) a song at the concert now.
4)She ( like) to visit her friends every week.
5) My brother usually ( wash) the dishes after breakfast.
6) My father( go) to the Black Sea last year.


Ответ дал: levasafonov06




1)Who lives with him?

2)What do you usually do in the morning?

3)Where did she work last year?

I have not travelled abroad

Many people like travelling on car

Tetiana is going for a walk

He has already phoned his parents

They haven't read the book yet

In June I didn't go to the seaside

gather; worked; am singing; likes; washes; went

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