Complete the paragraph with the past continuous form of the verbs in the box. cry rain listen make read sit surf 7 not sleep This morning, my dad was making breakfast. The baby was hungry and he ¹ was in her bedroom. She 2 the internet. My little sister 5 chair, but she 6 3 ; she ³ magazine. My mom and my older brother 4 not watch sky and it 8 My big sister a in her favorite TV. My younger brother to loud music. There were clouds in the . I decided to stay at home.​


Ответ дал: thenahida743


This morning, my dad was making breakfast. The baby was hungry, and he WAS SITTING in her bedroom. She WAS CRYING. My little sister WAS SURFING the internet. My younger brother WAS LISTENING to loud music. There were clouds in the sky, and it WAS RAINING. I decided to stay at home. My little sister was sitting in a chair, but she WAS NOT READING a magazine. My mom and my older brother WERE NOT WATCHING TV, and it WAS NOT SLEEPING. My big sister WAS NOT LISTENING to her favorite music on the radio.


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