Вправа 4. Запишіть речення, погоджуючи часи дієслів. 1. Close the window when it … (rain). 2. If you … (come) home late you … (not be) able to watch that program over TV. 3. Keep quiet, we … (listen) to the music. 4. What … (you, see) in the corner over there? 5. It … (rain) so we must take umbrellas. 6. What a smell! I expect something … (burn). 7. He … (sleep) soundly when the dog…. (run) into the room. 8. What .. (you, see) when I … (come) in a moment ago? 9. «Oh, it’s you, John! You … (not be) in touch with me for a long time. I’m glad you … (ring) up. Where … (you, be) all these weeks? I hope you … (not, be) ill?» 10. Since I …(work) here, I have met several of your friends. 11. At last I … (finish)! How glad I am. 12. When I … (do) my homework I … (listen) to the wireless. 13. Who … (sing) in the bath when I … (come) in? 14. I … (stay) in Moscow till next March. 15. … (you, feel) any better now? 16. What … (she, say) when she saw you? 17. When he was young he … (like) collecting stamps. 18. Why …….(you, always, make) such mistakes? 19. … (you, have) breakfast yet?


Ответ дал: zimen11111


Звісно, я допоможу з цими вправами. Отже, треба погоджувати часи дієслів у реченнях:

1. Close the window when it **_rains._**

2. If you **_come_** home late, you **_won't be_** able to watch that program on TV.

3. Keep quiet, we **_are listening_** to the music.

4. What **_did you see_** in the corner over there?

5. It **_is raining_** so we must take umbrellas.

6. What a smell! I expect something **_is burning._**

7. He **_was sleeping_** soundly when the dog **_ran_** into the room.

8. What **_did you see_** when I **_came_** in a moment ago?

9. "Oh, it’s you, John! You **_haven't been_** in touch with me for a long time. I’m glad you **_

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