Exercise 5 ***
Use the direct questions below to complete the indirect questions in the dialogue. There are
two extra questions.
In this activity you will be graded on capitalization (lowercase and UPPERCASE)
Example I think james isn't fun. x I think James isn't fun. ✔
Are you enjoying it? Could I ask you a few questions? How are you going to get home? How old are you?
Is this your first visit to the festival? What are you going to do after it finishes? Where do you live?
A: Excuse me. I'm doing a survey about festivals. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions
B: Yes, of course.
B: Yes, it is
A: Could you tell me
B: Oh yes I love it!
A: And do you have any idea
B: Oh, I'm just going to go home
A: Do you know
B: I'm travelling by train
A: That's all. Thank you very much
B: You're welcome.
Firstly, could you tell me


Ответ дал: maksimzaverjuhha


A: Excuse me. I'm doing a survey about festivals. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions?

B: Yes, of course.

A: Are you enjoying it?

B: Yes, it is.

A: How old are you?

B: Oh yes, I love it!

A: Is this your first visit to the festival?

B: Oh, I'm just going to go home.

A: What are you going to do after it finishes?

B: I'm traveling by train.

A: Where do you live?

B: That's all. Thank you very much.

A: You're welcome.

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