Task 5. Transcribe the following English words, show the point of syllable division in each of them
by putting a bar between the syllables (table [tei | bl]) and define each type of syllable:
nightmare, conversation, careless, volunteer.


Ответ дал: maksimzaverjuhha


Certainly! Here are the transcriptions with syllable divisions:

1. **nightmare:** [night | mare]

Syllable Types: Open (night), Open (mare)

2. **conversation:** [con | ver | sa | tion]

Syllable Types: Closed (con), Closed (ver), Open (sa), Open (tion)

3. **careless:** [care | less]

Syllable Types: Open (care), Closed (less)

4. **volunteer:** [vol | un | teer]

Syllable Types: Closed (vol), Closed (un), Open (teer)

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