Сделать повествовательное, отрицательное, общий вопрос, специальный вопрос и вопрос к подлежащему.

1) My Mother (to take) care of our pet.

2) Ann already (to translate) this book.

3) I (to paint) the picture in oils the whole evening yesterday.


Ответ дал: danaa1168a
1) Narrative: My mother didn't take care of our pet.
Negative: Did my mother not take care of our pet?
General Question: Did someone take care of our pet?
Special Question: What did my mother take care of?
Question to Subject: Who took care of our pet?

2) Narrative: Ann hasn't translated this book.
Negative: Hasn't Ann already translated this book?
General Question: Has someone translated this book?
Special Question: What has Ann already translated?
Question to Subject: Who has translated this book?

3) Narrative: I didn't paint the picture in oils the whole evening yesterday.
Negative: Did I not paint the picture in oils the whole evening yesterday?
General Question: Did someone paint the picture in oils the whole evening yesterday?
Special Question: What did I paint the whole evening yesterday?
Question to Subject: Who painted the picture in oils the whole evening yesterday?
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