сделайте пожалуйста, очень нужно, ДАЮ 100 БАЛЛОВ​



Ответ дал: halafmiroslava


**Underline the correct word(s):**

1. The Second World War began in 1939.

2. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

3. The shop said that they would deliver the furniture sometime in the afternoon.

4. All my children play musical instruments.

5. The weather in London will be windy and cloudy.

6. We don't usually watch TV on weekdays.

7. Some people from the UK speak Welsh.

8. We went horse riding across the Sahara Desert when we were in Africa.

9. If you can't afford to fly to Paris, why don't you go by train?

10. My plane arrives at Heathrow Airport at three o'clock.

11. Are the Rockies in Canada?

12. Dolphins are known for both their intelligence and playfulness.

**Fill in a, an or the where necessary:**

1. A: How much do these potatoes cost? B: They cost 40p a kilo.

2. A: Miss Smith is waiting for you, Sir. B: Thank you. I'll see her now.

3. A: Who opened the new shopping centre? B: The Prime Minister, I think.

4. A: What time do you start work? B: At nine o'clock every day.

5. A: What did you buy today? B: Some shoes and a new dress.

6. A: Where did you stay last night? B: At the Crowthorne Hotel. It was lovely.

7. A: Is that your bag? B: No. I think it's Paula's.

8. A: How fast does this car travel? B: It can go at 300 km an hour!


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