сделайте пожалуйста, ДАЮ 100 БАЛЛОВ ​



Ответ дал: shebysho


Sure, let's fill in the articles:

1. A: How much do these potatoes cost? B: They cost 40p **a** kilo.

2. A: Miss Smith is waiting for you, Sir. B: Thank you. I'll see her now.

3. A: Who opened the new shopping centre? B: **The** Prime Minister, I think.

4. A: What time do you start work? B: At nine o'clock every day.

5. A: What did you buy today? B: Some shoes and **a** new dress.

6. A: Where did you stay last night? B: At **the** Crowthorne Hotel. It was lovely.

7. A: Is that your bag? B: No. I think it's Paula's.

8. A: How fast does this car travel? B: It can go at 300km **an** hour!

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