Dear Melinda, We are in California now. Our villa is______(1). We are swimming in the swimming-pool now. I have just _______(2) out of the water. I am sitting near the pool and writing this _____(3). On______(4) we______(5) to Sea World. It was amazing. In the evening we ________(6) a good dinner. That's all for now. Yours, Bess​



Ответ дал: ennawww
Dear Melinda, We are in California now. Our villa is lovely (1). We are swimming in the swimming-pool now. I have just come (2) out of the water. I am sitting near the pool and writing this letter (3). On Sunday (4) we went (5) to Sea World. It was amazing. In the evening we have (6) a good dinner. That's all for now. Yours, Bess

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