Choose the correct words to complete the conversation. Talgat: What is your new blog on the Internet 1.. a.. about? Have you decided 2....? Sara: Yes - about the environment. Lots of blogs about the environment ³ on the Internet, but not many of them 4.... for teenagers. I want to help the planet. If we 5.... something now, then it 6 too late. **** **** Talgat: lagree. I read a music blog. It 7.... by a teenager. It 8.... by thousands of people and he's become a famous music journalist. **** 1 a going to be a just 2 3 a published 4 a are written 5 a are not doing 6 a is 7 a written 8 a read 9 a becomes 10 a will probably give 11 a started Sara: So if my blog 9.... popular, then someone 10 me a job as a journalist, too! Talgat: Who knows? I think I 11 a blog. Let's write it together. b will be b yet b are published b are writing b not do b going to be b is write b is reading b is becoming b gives probably b might start c might be c still c publish c are write c don't do c will be c is written c is read c become c probably is giving cam starting



Ответ дал: rsggergerg

c - publish

a - going to be

c - publish

b - are written

c - are not doing

b - going to be

a - written

c - read

b - becomes

a - will probably give

c - started

ksenwianrik: ничего не понятно
zairochka0: как это делать вообще
zairochka0: :_)
ksenwianrik: там надо выбирать правильное время(?) или как там
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