Task 2. Are the sentences true or false? Answer
1. One night is enough time to see Bangkok. True/ False
2. Khao San Road is an authentic Thai area of the city. True/ False
3. Phra Kanong is further away from the main tourist sites than K. San Road. True/False
4. The riverboat taxis often get stuck in traffic too.True/ False
5. Taking the Skytrain is a faster way to see the city than going by taxi. True/ False
6. You need to choose where to eat carefully, as not everywhere is good. True/ False
Total [6]


Ответ дал: bebranuxnux



1. False - One night is not enough time to see all of Bangkok, as it is a vibrant and sprawling city with many attractions and neighborhoods.

2. False - Khao San Road is known as a popular backpacker area, but it may not be considered entirely authentic in terms of traditional Thai culture. It caters more to the international tourist crowd.

3. True - Phra Kanong is generally further away from the main tourist sites compared to Khao San Road.

4. False - Riverboat taxis in Bangkok often provide a quicker and more efficient way to navigate the city, especially during peak traffic hours when road congestion can be an issue.

5. True - The Skytrain (BTS) in Bangkok is a fast and efficient mode of transportation, often avoiding the traffic jams that can occur on the streets.

6. True - While Bangkok has a fantastic food scene, it's advisable to choose where to eat carefully, as the quality of food can vary, and not all places may meet your preferences.

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