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Выберите правильную форму страдательного залога.
They sent her an invitation for the Oscar Ceremony.
*один правильный ответ

She was sent an invitation for the Oscar Ceremony.

She was send an invitation for the Oscar Ceremony.

She sent an invitation for the Oscar Ceremony.
Выберите правильную форму страдательного залога.
An Italian designer offered her a beautiful dress for the ceremony.
*один правильный ответ

She was offered a beautiful dress for the ceremony by an Italian designer.

Her offered a beautiful dress for the ceremony by an Italian designer.

She offered a beautiful dress for the ceremony by an Italian designer.
Choose the correct passive form
*один правильный ответ

were made

were make

was made
Is it Active or Passive Voice?
Somebody told a story.
*один правильный ответ

Passive Voice

Active Voice
Choose the correct option to complete the gap.
A mouse _____________ by a cat.
*один правильный ответ

is being chased

is chasing


Ответ дал: kaguellion

1. She was sent an invitation for the Oscar Ceremony.

2. She was offered a beautiful dress for the ceremony by an Italian designer.

3. Mistakes were made.

4. Active Voice

5. A mouse is being chased by a cat.

Ответ дал: 5nnpytqrzw
1. **She was sent an invitation for the Oscar Ceremony.**

2. **She was offered a beautiful dress for the ceremony by an Italian designer.**

3. **Mistakes were made.**

4. **Active Voice**

5. **A mouse is being chased by a cat.**
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