Read the story abuat life in the countryside.

My same is Piter. I live in the countryside, incottage which in over 10 years old. The cottage in sear a small village. I love living here because it's calm. There anact many cars or hunes, the streets ans clean You can go for a walk because there sun't any vis You can even love your doors open, body will anything. We know all the neighbors and at the end of the day, people got together at the main square and chat. We go to bed early, as there tur't much to do in the eving. Then it any dec of cinema. We also don't have a museum or a youth clak. However the childnem can play in the streets or in the fields and they can have animals. You can sleep sory wall because thors to so use. You can hear the band singing or the rain pouring. The air is pure and soul and you can see millem of stars. It is a bit dim winker. Sometimes it shows a lot and them we are toelated for a few days. Liespite thes 1 like loving in the countryside

Answer the questions

1. Where does Peter live?

2. Why does Peter love living in the country?

3. When do people go to bod? Why?

4. What do people hear at night?

5. What season is difficult for people living in the countryside​


Ответ дал: alonasharga


1. Piter lives in the countryside, in a cottage near a small village.

2. Peter loves living in the country because it's calm, with few cars or noises. The streets are clean, and there's a sense of community.

3. People go to bed early because there isn't much to do in the evening.

4. At night, people can hear the band singing or the rain pouring.

5. Winter is a bit difficult for people living in the countryside, as it can be dim, snowy, and sometimes isolated for a few days.

nazymkhuanysh95: спосибо большое!
Ответ дал: nurkasymovaamina24



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