ES (7) Look at the signs and write sentences using the key words and the modal verbs mustn't, have to, cannot and don't have to. No entry enter/building 2 00 take off shoes 3 carry/small pets/escalator 4 speak loudly/ hospital​


Ответ дал: Kristen2453725

1. Visitors mustn't enter building 2.00.

2. You have to take off shoes.

3. You cannot carry small pets on the escalator.

4. You don't have to speak loudly in the hospital.

zazazgz100: спасибо
Kristen2453725: будь ласка, позначте кращою відповіддю, буду вдячна!)
zazazgz100: что?
Kristen2453725: пожалуйста, сделайте лучшим ответом, буду благодарна!)
zazazgz100: cделала
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