3 Use the verbs from the box to complete the recipe. peel stir chop slice boil add Get a large heavy-bottomed saucepan and place it on a medium heat. Add olive oil and gently (1) your bacon until golden and crisp, (2) and (3) your then reduce the heat slightly. onions, carrots, celery and garlic and (4) them to the pot. Move everything around and fry for around 8-10 minutes until the vegetables have softened. Add tomatoes. (5) your cherry tomatoes in half and throw them in as well. Stir everything with a wooden spoon, add some parmesan. (6) some water in a pan, add salt. Then add spa- ghetti and cook it. Once the spaghetti is ready, add it to the pan with the sauce. Beautiful!​


Ответ дал: egorsyulgin2016

Get a large heavy-bottomed saucepan and place it on a medium heat. Add olive oil and gently (1) peel your bacon until golden and crisp, (2) chop and (3) slice your onions, carrots, celery and garlic and (4) stir them to the pot. Move everything around and fry for around 8-10 minutes until the vegetables have softened. Add tomatoes. (5) Chop your cherry tomatoes in half and throw them in as well. (6) Stir everything with a wooden spoon, add some parmesan. Boil some water in a pan, add salt. Then add spaghetti and cook it. Once the spaghetti is ready, add it to the pan with the sauce. Beautiful!

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