Listening Task 1 Listen to the conversation. Choose the correct answers.
1 Who are Mike and Katie mainly talking about? (2 marks)
a a new student
e a singer
b Katie's boyfriend da manager
2 Where is Oliver Johns sitting? (1 mark)
a opposite Katie and Mike e in a TV audience
b next to a blond man
d next to a woman
3 What does Katie think of Oliver? (1 mark)
a He only had one hit.
c He's creative.
b He isn't good-looking. d He's sensitive.
4 What does Mike tell us about Oliver Johns? (1 mark)
a It was a long time before he became famous.
b His first two singles were hits.
e His second single wasn't very good.
d His new album is terrible.
5 Why isn't Oliver working with his old manager? (1 mark)
a His new manager is his girlfriend.
b His last manager was too old.
c His last manager gave him bad advice.


Ответ дал: proverkap714


The correct answers are as follows:

1. a) a new student

2. b) next to a blond man

3. c) He's creative.

4. a) It was a long time before he became famous.

5. c) His last manager gave him bad advice.

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