2 Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verb.
I'was walking (walk) in a beautiful park when I 2

(shout) at him but he
(talk) on his mobile phone. I
back) and 8
and 10
(say) 'sorry'. Then he'
(put) it in a bin. It"
(see) a boy drop some litte
(not hear) me because he'
(pick up) the litter when he'
(take) the litter
(be) amazing!

russia1best: It was snowing yesterday.

They were eating at the restaurant.

You were working yesterday.

I was studying last night.

I was waiting for the cab when I met Raj.

The children were shouting when the teacher came in.

It was midnight when it was raining.

Everyone was clapping.
russia1best: на про запас


Ответ дал: russia1best



It was snowing yesterday.

They were eating at the restaurant.

You were working yesterday.

I was studying last night.

I was waiting for the cab when I met Raj.

The children were shouting when the teacher came in.

It was midnight when it was raining.

Everyone was clapping.

russia1best: It was snowing yesterday.

They were eating at the restaurant.

You were working yesterday.

I was studying last night.

I was waiting for the cab when I met Raj.

The children were shouting when the teacher came in.

It was midnight when it was raining.

Everyone was clapping.
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