

Ответ дал: alizhamalov49


## Solution for TEST 4:

1. **d) will have been sent** (This is the future perfect tense, indicating an action completed before another future point in time.)

2. **a) for** (This indicates the duration of the lunch, not its location or completion.)

3. **a) left** (Past simple tense for an action completed in the past.)

4. **a) full** (This is an adjective describing Mary's level of satisfaction.)

5. **a) hardly ever** (This adverbial phrase means "very rarely".)

6. **c) the last** (This refers to the specific test Mary coped with, not just any test.)

7. **a) The earlier** (Comparative adjective with superlative article.)

8. **b) are** (Plural scissors require plural verb.)

9. **a) mother's-in-law** (Compound noun with hyphen.)

10. **d) a, a, the** (Indefinite article for "book," definite article for "coffee," no article for "breakfast")

11. **c) Ours, theirs, our** (Possessive pronouns agree with noun they modify.)

12. **c) Ours, theirs, ours** (Same as #11.)

13. **a) something** (Negative question requires positive answer.)

14. **a) has visited** (Present perfect tense for completed action up to the present.)

15. **c) under** (Everything is under control, not at or with control.)

16. **a) has read** (Action completes before subsequent action of learning.)

17. **b) has done** (Present perfect for completed action at some unspecified point in the past.)

18. **d) shall get** (Future tense for action expected to happen.)

19. **b) makes** (Habitual action in the present.)

20. **a) having sung** (Present perfect participle phrase modifying "came in," denoting an action just completed.)

I hope this clarifies the answers for you! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Ответ дал: illya030778


1. d

2. a

3. b

4. c

5. a

6. c

7. b

8. b

9. b

10. c

11 a

12 d

13 b

14 a

15 d

16 d

17 a

18 d

19 b

20 d


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