4.Complete these sentences with 'already', 'still', 'always' or 'yet'.
1. I've been taking lessons but I
2. Emma moved in last week and she
3. I
4. Peter sent in an application form two weeks ago but he
5. The manager resigned yesterday, but his resignation hasn't been officially announced
haven't made much progress""
knows everyone!
save my files and turn off the computer before I leave.
The tin
hasn't received a reply.


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


I've still been taking lessons but I haven't made much progress yet.

2. Emma moved in last week and she has already knows everyone.

3. I always save my files and turn off the computer before I leave.

4. Peter sent in an application form two weeks ago but he hasn't received the reply yet.

5. The manager resigned yesterday, but his resignation hasn't been officially announced yet.


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