Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. There are two extra words.

cheer hang judge keep lie make support tell

What is a best friend? We asked three teens.

I think a hest friend is someone who you can just out and relax with and who 1

2 you up when you feel sad. Micah

For me, a best friend is someone who always

you the truth and never ever 3

to you. Ayda 4

A best friend is someone who is always by your

side and 5 you in difficult moments when you need it. They always 6 in touch with

you and ask how you are feeling. Alistair


Ответ дал: gara36


What is a best friend? We asked three teens.

I think a best friend is someone who you can just **hang** out and relax with and who **cheers** you up when you feel sad. Micah

For me, a best friend is someone who always **tells** you the truth and never ever **lies** to you. Ayda **judges**.

A best friend is someone who is always by your side and **supports** you in difficult moments when you need it. They always **keep** in touch with you and ask how you are feeling. Alistair

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