6 Complete the dialogue with the expressions
from the box. There is one extra word.

food have something for dessert
get takeaway ingredients make a snack


Amy: I'm hungry.
Liz: What do you do when you're hungry? Do you
make a snack?
Amy: Yes, sometimes, when I have the
1___________________that I need, but today I want
to 2___________________ .
Liz: Great! Indian or Chinese?
Amy: Indian. I love Indian food.
Liz: We can go to my house. There's a good film on
this evening.
Amy: OK. I've got some strawberries.
We can 3____________________ .
Liz: Not ice cream?
Amy: No. Not after a big Indian dinner.
7Choose the word that is wrong.
1 I don't eat a lot of meat but I often use vegetables
like__to make very nice meals.
A onions B eggs C carrots
2 If you're going to the shops, could you get me
a carton o f__, please?
A orange juice B milk C crisps
3 This packet o f__is nearly empty. How can I cook
dinner now?
A tuna B rice C pasta
4 I can't eat dairy food, so I never have__. Well,
I have it if it is made from soya.
A cheese B juice C milk


Ответ дал: nik100moscow


Amy: I'm hungry.

Liz: What do you do when you're hungry? Do you make a snack?

Amy: Yes, sometimes, when I have the ingredients that I need, but today I want to get takeaway.

Liz: Great! Indian or Chinese?

Amy: Indian. I love Indian food.

Liz: We can go to my house. There's a good film on this evening.

Amy: OK. I've got some strawberries. We can have something for dessert.

Liz: Not ice cream?

Amy: No. Not after a big Indian dinner.

7Choose the word that is wrong.

1 I don't eat a lot of meat but I often use vegetables like__to make very nice meals.

A onions B eggs C carrots

(Replace "eggs" with "onions")

2 If you're going to the shops, could you get me a carton o f__, please?

A orange juice B milk C crisps

(No error)

3 This packet o f__is nearly empty. How can I cook dinner now?

A tuna B rice C pasta

(No error)

4 I can't eat dairy food, so I never have__. Well, I have it if it is made from soya.

A cheese B juice C milk

(Replace "juice" with "milk")

Ответ дал: gkokgk



8.get takeaway

9.have something for dessert



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